Since its inception in 2001, RHIL has looked for innovative ways to make construction safer with less environmental impact. To date we  follow LEED* norms for constructions and will also apply for LEED certification of our new buildings.

*LEED is an independent body that lays down a wide range of guidelines and norms for designing, building and maintaining environment friendly buildings. It provides builders, contractors, architects and home owners with practical and viable green building solutions so that buildings and homes can be environment friendly. LEED Certification is given to those building projects that stringently follow the guidelines and norms as laid down by LEED. There are guidelines and parameters with regards to the internal air circulation in buildings, reduction of carbon emissions, consumption of energy and water. Based on these and other parameters, LEED rates the overall efficiency of a building and provides solutions, if required.
By rating building projects, the LEED Certification makes sure that the builders and contractors are focused on developing energy efficient and environment friendly buildings that meet all the building norms as laid down by LEED. Taking environment friendly measures are going to benefit builders and contractors in many ways. One, builders will get one credit point for every environment friendly measure they take for their project. Two, the LEED Certification offers an assurance to the home owners about the quality as well as the performance of the building. Three, this certification enables the home owners to save on maintenance and repair costs. Finally, the LEED Certification will enhance the credibility of a builder in the market place.